Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why am I at constant WAR with MYSELF?

Since recently I am feeling as if there is some turmoil or some sort of unrest within me. Which at times is making me feel low and depressed. Don’t know what it is all about, feel as if I am at constant war with myself.I feel as I am not worth anything, feel as if my life so far has been a total waste with me not achieving anything. I sit and compare myself with others.Compare my looks, career, brains, things I know, things that I have achieved etc. And sit and feel sad when the comparison is not favorable towards me. I read somewhere that such a behavior is observed in people who are perfectionists…don’t know if I correctly understood what I read. But me no perfectionist. Then why this feeling? Somewhere else I read these are signs of a person who lacks self confidence. Now that’s a scary thought about lacking self confidence. So I sat and thought “Do I lack self confidence?”, and after quite some time, realized that the answer was negative. I didn’t lack self confidence. Then why this feeling?Dont know what to make out of this, but I at times am unhappy with my looks, unhappy with not being able to understand some technical stuff when others are excelling in it. Why do I get such depressing feelings at times? Is it because I compare myself with others? Or is it human tendency not to be content with things that he has? When will this war with myself end? And even if it ends what will be the outcome?


lakshmi said...

This happens to everybody at some stage or other....every body likes attention...everybody wants to be wots da harm in it...i know its depressing but just think abt wot all u hv achieved...i wuld truly suggest one day just sit and jot down all ur details...n when ever u feel low...just read it....n then u compare these positive things with others m sure u will feel good...n do it rohan...ok

Unknown said...

hey this is so common..there are patches in life....some grey, some white n some vibrant n colourful that will pep up ur sit back n be happy that god loves u and u can judje are ur own best critic....looks are passe man...ur heart should be beautiful n i think it forget n stop worrying...if u smile..not only ur worries will vanish but ur face value will increaase dude n no worries so no be happy with what u got n look at those who dnt have anything..u will feel blessed n better...u should always look at what u have n not at what u dnt have..there i sound so spiritual...but hop;e made u feel better cause i did