Thursday, July 21, 2005

My Idea of Romance

1.Reading a cookery book and experimenting at the kitchen, and then cooking for her.
(but make sure u dont mess up the whole kitchen)
2.A slow walk along the seashore, with u holding her hands, and both of u bare footed and experiencing the tingling feeling when the waves come and caress ur feet and as u look back u see both ur foot prints on the sand.
3.Its very common for one to give flowers to the girl during special
b'days,valentine days etc. But the sweet feeling is giving a cute bunch of flowers on a normal day and surprising her.
4.Sitting at the balcony of ur flat on a windy evening sipping on a hot coffee and just gazing into each others eyes.
5.Surprising her by getting up early and making the breakfast and serving it at the bedside.
6.Helping her at the kitchen by cutting the vegetables or by doing the dishes.
7.Going shopping with her and enjoying doing window shopping with her without making a fuss about it.
8.Allowing her to use the remote control and watch the sobby sobby soaps on the TV.
9.Sitting all cozy with her and watching cute romantic movies like "A walk in the clouds","Notting Hill", "You got mail" etc.

1 comment:

Rey said...

1,2,3,4 - done to perfection !!!
5 - waiting to see
6 - must agree , done too...
7 - done , though i saw a lil bored look on your face..
8 - U must learn to do this more often
9 - You laughed when i cried at a movie....

So, proves dude !!! you walk the talk... ha ha lol ....